Monday, January 14, 2013

Crazy In Love

Over Christmas break Thing1 was quite infatuated with our newest nephew.  He is a lover of all babies.  So, while at my in-laws with the entire family he decided that PrincessA needs a little sister to sleep in a bunk bed with.  There were some conversations about if he would like another baby to be at our home.  Mr.A did not care for these conversations and tried to discourage them.  He thought we were past the infant stage and that  we were heading in a slightly different direction.  By the first week in January God had shown us we are not completely out of the baby stage.  We re-opened our home to accept another placement on January 3rd.  That Sunday night we got a call from a friend and fellow foster parent.  A sibling to 2 of her girls had been born on Friday and they had been offered the placement.  Unable to take in another small child she asked if there was any chance we would be interested in another baby.  Even though they couldn't take the baby they wanted to know that their girls might know her and that she would be in a good home.  By Tuesday evening we had PrincessD in our home.  We are still in awe at how quickly and perfectly everything fell into place.

PrincessD is a beautiful, healthy baby.  She came to us 20 inches long, 7 pounds, and ready to be held.  We don't know what the future holds right now.  It is at the very beginning of the case and several factors may play into it (like an available family member that would make a better placement).

Mr.A is in love.  Thing1 is an awesome helper.  Thing2 loves to entertain her.  PrincessA is warming up quickly.  I am trying to take it all in.  So, in answer to the question- are you crazy?  Yes, we are crazy in love with our ever growing family!

Thank you to our amazing family (both blood and otherwise)!  I am so grateful that God has placed people in my life that see a need and persist until I admit I need help.  It is a huge lesson in humility and practicing what I preach in letting others receive a blessing by helping our family.

Ways you can pray:
  • Pray for our adjustment.  Mr.A and I are of course dealing with limited and interrupted sleep, added paperwork, appointments, and visits.  We are also learning how to spread ourselves out to 4 children.  Thing1 is amazing as a big brother, but acting out in other ways.  Pray that he learn/we are able to teach him better ways to communicate his feelings.  Thing2 is actually adjusting beautifully so far- pray that it continues.  PrincessA is between the boys in how she is adjusting, but nothing out of what I expected.  Pray that she continues to blossom.
  • Pray for the finalization of PrincessA's adoption.  That the right people would get the file and move with it.
  • The 16th is the first hearing for PrincessD's case.  Please lift up the judge, attorneys, and CPS workers that they may have wisdom and great discernment as they are faced with life altering decisions for this precious baby.
  • Pray for PrincessD's birthmother.  Pray that she would come to know Jesus in a personal way.  Pray that she would begin to make decisions that are healthy for her children- even if they are not easy for her to make.

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