Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Moving Forward

My intent has been to post something for a week now, but I'm going to use the "I have four kids and am absolutely exhausted" excuse.  We found out that PrincessA's case has finally moved to adoption prep.  Praise the Lord!  If things go the way they "normally" go we could be finished with the process before Easter.  If things go the way they have been going, who knows when we will be finished.  We are grateful that it has moved at all.
PrincessD will probably not be with us long term.  A family member is being checked out to assume placement.
My heart is heavy today because Mr.A lost an aunt early Sunday morning.  She is the baby of Meemaw's family and was taken quickly.  We are praising God that she is no longer sick, but she is missed greatly.

Ways you can pray:

  • Pray for our family as many travel to the memorial service to remember and celebrate Mr.A's aunt.  Pray that the family will find comfort in the Lord.
  • We will meet PrincessA's adoption worker on Monday.  We are hoping for a quick and smooth process.
  • PrincessD has a permanency conference on Monday.  Pray that wise choices will be made for her future.  She also has her first parent visit on Monday.  Pray for Birthmom and Birthdad that they would begin to bond with this sweet angel and begin to make healthy choices for themselves and her.

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